Re: If you allowed to keep only one book on Oracle - Which book it will be?

From: Carol Dacko <>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 13:48:10 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Dear Amit,

Why one? There are always "pearls" of wisdom that you can glean from many books that would not be contained in others. The amount and vast array of different information would be difficult to capture in any single title.

Here is a list of titles that comprise a very small part of my technical book shelf. These in particular were given to the developers here after I taught a beginning Oracle class. The most important thing about Oracle is that you should learn something new about Oracle all the time. Tom Kytes says it all the time. Many of us do it all the time. And you cannot get it all from a book. Here is that list:

On CD:
Oracle Concepts Manual - for each release Oracle Administration Guide - for each release Oracle Reference Manual - for each release Oracle Performance Tuning Guide - for each release PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference - for each release Installation guides for each platform that you support

Now my very, very, very short list of books (I have many, many others but these are essential):

Effective Oracle By Design – Tom Kyte, Oracle Press

Expert Oracle Database Architecture – Tom Kyte, Apress

Expert Oracle – Tom Kyte, Apress

Optimizing Oracle Performance – Cary Millsap with Jeff Holt, O’Reilly

Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals – Jonathan Lewis, Apress

Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus, Lex de Haan , Apress

Troubleshooting Oracle Performance – Christian Antognini , Apress

Oracle Wait Interface: A Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning, Oracle Press

Please note the authors and publisher.

Hope this helps. Also, just as a helpful hint. Can you please give a bit more content around your questions? It will assist us in providing you with a more precise answer.

Carol Dacko
University of Michigan

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Taylor, Chris David <> wrote:

> Expert Oracle by Tom Kyte…it’s rather bulky and stands more chance of
> impressing people when they come in :D
> (By the by, I agree with Brandon et. al) about online docs, but I still
> like having books on my shelf)
> *Chris Taylor*
> *Sr. Oracle DBA*
> Ingram Barge Company
> Nashville, TN 37205
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> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *AMIT VERMA
> *Sent:* Monday, February 01, 2010 12:15 PM
> *To:* Powell, Mark
> *Cc:* oracle-l
> *Subject:* Re: If you allowed to keep only one book on Oracle - Which book
> it will be?
> Yes Powell you can, every information is Book/Bible. Actually I am
> interested to know what's on DBA self ;)-<
> yup technically is more important my opnion: "Oracle Wait Interface: A
> Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning (Osborne ORACLE Press
> Series)"
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Powell, Mark <> wrote:
> I was hesitant to respond to this post as it is of dubious technical value;
> however is is interesting and Oracle related.
> Can I count the CD set as a single book?
> My first though was the DBA Administrators Guide, but as I know much of its
> material in my head the thought occurred to me that what I would really need
> would be the Rman manual since nothing is more important than being able to
> restore the database in the event of loss.
> If I get a second manual I would take the SQL manual. After all you cannot
> remember every nuance of syntax or single row function parameter list.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *AMIT VERMA
> *Sent:* Monday, February 01, 2010 12:38 PM
> *To:* oracle-l
> *Subject:* If you allowed to keep only one book on Oracle - Which book it
> will be?
> Hi All,
> A general question:
> *"If you allowed to keep only one book on Oracle - Which book it will be?"
> *
> --
> Amit Verma
> "Winning takes talent but it takes character to keep winning"
> --
> Amit Verma
> "Winning takes talent but it takes character to keep winning"

Received on Mon Feb 01 2010 - 12:48:10 CST

Original text of this message