RE: Interesting RMAN duplicate problem.
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 08:47:53 -0000
Message-ID: <919FC80F27E0C6428106496EDF92A7520B187206_at_EXCCLUS05.PRODDS.NTNL>
Morning Robert,
>> ...
>> 1. Do the duplicate. It would fail as you describe.
>> 2. Start a manual recovery using the SQL*Plus recover
>> database until cancel command. You can use until time, etc.
>> 3. Manually extract archived redo logs from the source
>> system as required for the recovery on the duplicate.
It was going so well. The problem is a chunk of missing archived logs, so I'm unable to apply them. :-(
>> 4. Once I'm at the point I want to open the database, I
>> would open the database using resetlogs.
Which is, unfortunately, the point I can't get to. System data file needs additional recovery.
>> The problem often involved a case where the recovery
>> point-in-time was contained in an online redo log that was
>> not archived yet (the current online redo log). You can, of
>> course, use the V$ views (ie: V$RECOVER_FILE, V$DATAFILE,
>> etc...) to determine the state of the data files, and their
>> consistency.
All files are online at the same SCN, date & Time according to v$datafile_header. All files are still in "RECOVERY" status according to V$RECOVER_FILE. I have the rman backup and the backup of all the archived logs from before, through and just after the backup of the datafiles.
Well, I did have. I've blown them all away now and restarted the rman backup. Better luck this time I hope!
Norman Dunbar
Contract Oracle DBA
CIS Engineering Services
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051
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-- on Thu Jan 28 2010 - 02:47:53 CST