RE: Installing Oracle on Windows

From: D'Hooge Freek <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:49:21 +0100
Message-ID: <>

The services are standard running as localsystem, so no problems there. But I don't know how it works with the ownership and privileges of the files.


Freek D'Hooge
Oracle Database Administrator
tel +32(0)3 451 23 82

From: [] On Behalf Of Hostetter, Jay M Sent: maandag 25 januari 2010 15:40
To: oracle-l List
Subject: Installing Oracle on Windows

It has been several months since I have installed Oracle database software on a Windows box.� Typically, I have installed it as the local administrator.� I have been asked to install Oracle 10g on a Windows box using my own login (which will have administrator rights).� In a few weeks, my login will be disabled.� I'm trying to determine if this will cause any issues with the database on this box.� I've been searching through the documentation and the only guidance I can find is that the install should be done with an account that has admin rights.� I want to make sure that this won't leave any processes running under by OS account. �I would appreciate any suggestions on this subject.� Can I install Oracle under my login or should I have an "oracle" OS user setup on this box?

Thank you,

Jay Hostetter
D&E Communications
Ephrata, PA

Received on Mon Jan 25 2010 - 08:49:21 CST

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