Re: [HUMOUR] What kind of DBA are you?
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 14:22:18 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hang on what OS, Oracle version 64 or 32 bit ? inside leg measurement?
2010/1/8 Dba DBA <>
> and my personal favorite
> Forum Crazy DBA: These are the guys on the usenets and on otn who criticize
> questions that people ask and belittle people. They always respond with
> version, OS, etc... even when it is not relavent to the question.
> Then tell people they are stupid for not including this. These DBAs appear
> to be related to the forum crazies on Star Trek and science fiction sites
> who belittle people for not know what part of which star trek episodes some
> archaic techno-babble took place in. When William Shatner was on Saturday
> night live and went to his fans "have you ever kissed a girl?" he is
> referring to them.
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Dba DBA <>wrote:
>> He is missing a few...
>> Production Issue DBA: Anytime a developer asks you a question or for help
>> you say you are busy with a production issue.
>> RTFM DBA: Any time a developer asks you a question you tell them to RTFM.
>> I don't share any info DBA: any time a developer asks you a question you
>> refuse to answer since you don't want them to learn anything you know.
>> Everybody else sucks DBA: This is the type of DBA who constantly complains
>> about developers, managers, etc... and says everyone else sucks.
>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 5:16 PM, David Pintor <>wrote:
>>> Really funny...
>>> All the best for 2010.
>>> David
-- Howard A. Latham -- on Fri Jan 08 2010 - 08:22:18 CST