RE: Privileges by session

From: Jackie Brock <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 14:10:02 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I just read your other post. Since you're talking about an application that also does DDL, I would look at using schema level triggers - raise an application error if the program being used isn't the application.  

Honestly, though, if the purpose is troubleshooting the application, there shouldn't be any reason why you couldn't log them out immediately if they're not logging in via the application - and I'm a developer (most of the time)!  


Jackie D. Brock
Database Specialist - Systems Evaluation CableLabs(r)
858 Coal Creek Circle
Louisville, CO 80027
Email: <> 303-661-3347  

        From: Blanchard, William

	Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:45 PM
	To: Jackie Brock
	Subject: RE: Privileges by session
	Do you have an example of changing the role for a session?

From: Jackie Brock [] Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:43 PM To: Blanchard, William Cc: Subject: RE: Privileges by session You could assign a read-only role based on the session info.


	Jackie D. Brock
	Database Specialist - Systems Evaluation
	858 Coal Creek Circle
	Louisville, CO 80027
	Email: <> 

From: Blanchard, William [] Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:42 PM To: Jackie Brock Cc: Subject: RE: Privileges by session I thought about just restricting to IP address and
restricting logons via a trigger but I need to allow the developers read access for troubleshooting production issues.                                    


		From: Jackie Brock [] 
		Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:29 PM
		To: Blanchard, William
		Subject: RE: Privileges by session
		I've set up login triggers to prevent logins based on
the OS username before - it worked very well, but it does assume that they aren't using a central account. I'm not sure you want to allow someone to log in to an application from a central account, anyway? You could also restrict based on IP - any of the information that's stored in the session variables. Heck - you could even restrict it based on the program being used - I've done that as well. :-)                  

                HTH!                                   -Jackie                  

		Jackie D. Brock
		Database Specialist - Systems Evaluation
		858 Coal Creek Circle
		Louisville, CO 80027

From: [] On Behalf Of Blanchard, William Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:22 PM To: Subject: Privileges by session Greetings, I have convinced management to allow me to grant
read-only access to the developers. The problem is that they know the application passwords and have been using those passwords to circumvent my controls. Is there a way via a trigger, role, etc to change individual sessions privileges so they have read only (select) permissions? The easiest way would be to change the permissions on the applications but that's not an option.

                        Thank you,

                        WGB                         -                         

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Received on Thu Jan 07 2010 - 15:10:02 CST

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