RE: Restore/Duplicate takes a lot longer to restore than backup
From: Allen, Brandon <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 13:08:56 -0700
Message-ID: <64BAF54438380142A0BF94A23224A31E112F00F00D_at_ONEWS06.oneneck.corp>
I did some testing a couple years ago and on our system (Oracle, AIX 5.3, DS4800 SAN, Netbackup 5? Disk Staging Unit - not sure what version we were on at the time) it took about twice as long to restore a compressed backup set compared to restoring the same data from an uncompressed backup set. This was still long enough for us to decide against using compression for our production backups, but not nearly as bad as what Howard reported below. If it's taking 6 times as long, I'd guess your system was badly CPU constrained since that's where the work of compressing/decompressing takes place. Did it happen to be on a Solaris T-series machine?
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 13:08:56 -0700
Message-ID: <64BAF54438380142A0BF94A23224A31E112F00F00D_at_ONEWS06.oneneck.corp>
I did some testing a couple years ago and on our system (Oracle, AIX 5.3, DS4800 SAN, Netbackup 5? Disk Staging Unit - not sure what version we were on at the time) it took about twice as long to restore a compressed backup set compared to restoring the same data from an uncompressed backup set. This was still long enough for us to decide against using compression for our production backups, but not nearly as bad as what Howard reported below. If it's taking 6 times as long, I'd guess your system was badly CPU constrained since that's where the work of compressing/decompressing takes place. Did it happen to be on a Solaris T-series machine?
We decided to only use compressed backupsets for our non-production databases where restore speed isn't critical.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Howard Latham
- 3 hours instead of 18.
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-- on Wed Jan 06 2010 - 14:08:56 CST