question on fnd_lobs partition (in ebiz)

From: Kumar Madduri <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 23:58:30 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Has anyone tried to use program_name to partition the fnd_lobs table. I have seen people using upload_date and range partitioning but in my case the developer wants to load a bunch of data by specifying program_name in his program. The developer will use the program_name column in fnd_lobs table and load all his data where program_name would be 'po_queries' . Developer would want all his data to be loaded in to a partition called po_queries in that case.
I was thinking list partition may fit the requirement where I would create list partitions for export, fnd_help,Nulls, ; one partition for defaults . Has anyone list partioned the fnd_lobs tables. SQL> select count(*), program_name from fnd_lobs g 2 roup by program_name;
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Thank you

Received on Wed Jan 06 2010 - 01:58:30 CST

Original text of this message