Re: row cache lock contention parallel insert
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 09:45:49 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Thanks for the info
The workload is more or less every 5 minutes 10 data load processes kicks in, 3 of them needs to load around 12 million of rows each (going through ETL which are 3 tables per process), the rest from 300000 to 3 million.
All insert append with parallel dml and PQ for the SELECT ( Basically there is only 10 application processes but with 64 slaves running almost all the time. All ETL Tables has more or less 4000 to 5000 subpartitions
I noticed also compatible is set to instead of, might be some old bug? Probably because when I was doing test with a test database, also with compatible set to I managed to reproduce massive row cache contention, when I changed compatible to row cache requests reduced by a factor of 10. I will change compatible to after holidays because they dont allow anymore system changes until then
-- LSC On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Greg Rahn <> wrote:Received on Wed Dec 23 2009 - 02:45:49 CST
> That query is used for the row cache read call back for SEG$ when the
> segment entry is not available in the row cache. Once the row cache
> entry is available, all the reads should go through row cache rather
> than from disk. It seems that something may be wrong with the row
> cache layer.
> Can you describe the workload?
> What are the other top SQLs?
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:47 PM, LS Cheng <> wrote:
> > Yes there are many executions on this two query:
> >
> > 2ym6hhaq30r73 - around 11 millions executions per hour
> > SELECT type#, blocks, extents, minexts, maxexts, extsize, extpct, user#,
> > iniexts, NVL (lists, 65535), NVL (GROUPS, 65535), cachehint,
> hwmincr,
> > NVL (spare1, 0), NVL (scanhint, 0)
> > FROM seg$
> > WHERE ts# = :1 AND file# = :2 AND block# = :3
> --
> Regards,
> Greg Rahn