Re: Oracle Hp OpenVMS
From: Sanjay Mishra <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 13:53:42 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 13:53:42 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Rich. It is surely big change from Unix to VMS in terms of OS commands. Sanjay ________________________________ From: Rich Jesse <> To: "" <> Sent: Wed, October 28, 2009 3:43:44 PM Subject: RE: Oracle Hp OpenVMS > Once you're inside Oracle's walls (e.g. SQL*Plus, RMAN, lsnrctl, etc.) it's > pretty much the same as on any other OS, but if you have to do anything at > the OS level there is a big learning curve - even for simple things like > changing directories, editing/manipulating files, checking filesystem space. > The commands and options are VERY different from Unix. I'd say if the > tuning you're being asked to do is within the database, e.g. tuning queries, > Oracle parameters, etc., then you should be fine, but if it's tuning at the > OS level that is needed, then run away unless you have lots of time to spend > learning DCL. Man, I miss DCL and logicals! I was a VMS guy from 4.7 to about 7.1. The problem with most things on VMS is that they try and make it Unix-like. Some (very) quick tips: Unix VMS ----------------------- ------------------------ $HOME SYS$LOGIN .bashrc OR .kshrc LOGIN.COM echo WRITE SYS$OUTPUT cd SET DEFAULT SYS$LOGIN echo $PWD SHOW DEFAULT vi EDIT/EDT or EDIT/TPU (TPU is generally preferred) alias up='cd ..' UP:=="SET DEFAULT [-]" ./ _at_MYSCRIPT.COM cp COPY rm DELETE/LOG man HELP exit LOGOFF I'm going from 10yo malted-barley-soaked memory, so hopefully those are close to correct. The MAJOR power, however, comes from VMS Logicals. It's like how soft links in Unix should really work, as they transcend simple filename substitution. "SHOW LOGICAL" is your friend! You may want to use alias commands for your interactive sessions (VMS can make the distinction between interactive, batch, etc logins) in your SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM to ease the transistion, e.g. CD:=="SET DEFAULT". Just beware that doing this in the Oracle owner's account can affect how Oracle itself runs if you should happen to override existing commands that it uses. While much different from Unix, I *much* preferred DCL and the RMS filesystem on VMS. DCL is a very powerful scripting language, logicals are invaluable for system management and maintenance, security was never an afterthought, and DEC Rdb is what gave us all the new features of Oracle7. The very high overhead on process creation and the general kernel tunables (trying to tune NPAGEDYN via AUTOGEN -- groan!) however, left a lot to be desired, IMHO. OK, trip down memory lane completed... Good luck! Rich --
-- on Wed Oct 28 2009 - 15:53:42 CDT