Re: 10g RAC installation - gsd not starting

From: Sanjay Madan <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 18:19:16 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Chiappa. I agree that it would be best to patch and bring all components to the same version.

We have also located a metalink note which simply recommends that the gsd resource be disabled IF no 9i RAC databases are to coexist with the 10g databases as gsd is esentially required only for backward compatability with 9i. For the time being we have disabled the gsd service and restarted the nodeapps. The status now for all services shows 'online'.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:30 PM, J. Laurindo Chiappa <> wrote:

> Sanjay, in my experience (donīt matter in what SO/env) itīs best ** FIRST
> ** to have the ALL the software layers (CRS, database, etc) in a current
> version (version is the last one, iirc) AND only after this
> install the thing, this is my advice to you : FORGET this current attempt
> and apply patch in ALL the software layers , this must 'cure' soo
> many problems of the kind of this to you ...
> Regards,
> Chiappa
> Sanjay Madan escreveu:
> Hi
>> IBM p570 - power 6 processors
>> AIX 6.1 64 bit
>> HACMP 5.5
>> Oracle RAC
>> We are trying to install the clusterware. Initially, the cluster nodes
>> wouldnt show up in the details screen. Using the for
>> 'solved' that issue. The nodes were available and we were able to ediit the
>> private/public interface details etc.
>> complains of the en4 not being a valid public interface. That is a
>> known issue, and as recommended we manually ran vipca.
>> But vipca throws an error while trying to start gsd. Throws an
>> CRS-0215 (could not start resource ora.<host>.gsd on the local node.
>> This fails for both nodes. If we choose to ignore the error, the remaining
>> resources start up successfully. The installation completes with all
>> resources except gsd showing online. A manual gsdctl start also fails.
>> Any suggestions from the group members ?? Has anyone face this issue
>> before ??
>> Regards
>> Sanjay

Received on Mon Oct 26 2009 - 07:49:16 CDT

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