Re: 11g R2 Feedback?

From: Kerry Osborne <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 18:40:03 -0500
Message-Id: <>

I concur with Mark. We have had several 11gR1 instances in production for 2 years now. They started on and were upgraded to a few months after it was released. Most of them are RAC clusters on Dell boxes running Redhat. There have been very few issues and now show stoppers. We haven't made extensive use of new features, but all in all I'd say that this has been the best quality control I've seen from an initial release. The fact that the releases have been spaced about a year apart: - July 2007 - September 2008 - September 2009

also indicates to me that the whole development / release schedule has matured into a much more disciplined process.

At this point I'd be quite willing to take a chance on an initial release (after a couple of months of testing). Prior to 11g I would not have made that statement. So I'd say yeah, very positive experience with 11g in general. We have only rolled one R2 instance into production so far (and it was a brand new app) but based on the experience with R1, I would not be afraid to use it.

Kerry Osborne

On Oct 21, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Bobak, Mark wrote:

> Hi Kellyn,
> I�ve had 11gR1 in production for over a year now, and it�s been
> quite stable.
> 11gR2 is still pretty new, but, we�re testing some new XML DB
> functionality on it. So far, it seems to be stable. This is simply
> a proof-of-concept at this point, and very low traffic, so, no
> production like loads on it, but, so far so good. One issue,
> Netbackup, which my backup admin tells me is the latest version,
> can�t backup 11gR2 using RMAN. Backup to tape w/o Netbackup MML in
> place works fine, but as soon as you try to do a backup w/ Netbackup
> MML, it crashes w/ ORA-7445. So, I currently can�t effectively back
> it up. I�m hoping the next release of Netbackup will resolve that
> issue.
> Hope that helps,
> -Mark

Received on Wed Oct 21 2009 - 18:40:03 CDT

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