RE: Datapumop question
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 10:45:36 +0100
Message-ID: <2F802216565E44489600A03F763219A875140B_at_mia.SEFASBRISTOL>
What I am trying to do is dump all code from my schema(pl/sql and java loaded via loadjava).
I was trying to get a list of what has been dumped. I am not sure whether the java code loaded via loadjava has been dumped.
Here are my datapump parameters. I am not sure if they are corerect for what I am trying to do..i.e dump all code.
expdp johnschema/john schemas=johnschema directory=admin_dir dumpfile=dp.dmp log file=dp.log include=PROCEDURE include=PACKAGE include=PACKAGE_BODY include=FUNCTION include=JAVA_CLASS
From: Michael Elkin []
Sent: 14 October 2009 10:24
To: John Dunn
Subject: Re: Datapumop question
Can you specify exactly what do you want to do ?
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:40 AM, John Dunn <> wrote:
What option do I need to specify for DataPump to get it to list the names of the obejcts exported in the log file?
John Dunn
Best Regards
Michael Elkin
Received on Wed Oct 14 2009 - 04:45:36 CDT