Re: Enable Parallel DML or Not?
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 15:42:07 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Thank you for the link, but I've gone through every manual I can find, including this one and I also would consider the CTAS, since it's a create table, in a DDL category of parallel processing and I have had your theory as the most likely possibility, but I want to ensure that I'm not missing something here. I also have read different websites that INCLUDE CTAS in with standard insert, update, merge and deletes as requiring parallel_dml to be enabled to get the full benefit of all parallel hints, but these may be on older versions of Oracle, as I have seen a couple list Oracle 7.3.
- On Wed, 10/7/09, Jaromir D.B. Nemec <> wrote:
From: Jaromir D.B. Nemec <> Subject: Re: Enable Parallel DML or Not? To:, "oracle Freelists" <> Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 4:20 PM
Hi Kellyn,
> QUESTION- Is this just a mistake by some educated folks out there or are CTAS considered a parallel DML statement along with merge, insert, update and delete when > using parallel?
from Manual
The session's PARALLEL DML mode does not influence the parallelism of SELECT statements, DDL statements, and the query portions of DML statements.
An other argument (though I can't prove it as the 7.3 mauals are no longer on-line) - the parallel CTAS is there around from 7.3 the ENABLE PARALLEL DML was introduced first in 8 or 8i.
The actual degree of the parallelism of the create table and select depends on several factors and can be limited or suppressed completely.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kellyn Pedersen
To: oracle Freelists
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 5:20 PM
Subject: Enable Parallel DML or Not?
I have to say as much as I learn about parallel processing everyday, the more questions I have...:)
I have numerous CTAS operations that load tables with large parallel degrees in both the insert as well as the select, (see example below...)
create table member_0_ordersum2 compress pctfree 0 tablespace MARTLARGE parallel(degree 16) as
SELECT/*+ parallel (i 16) parallel (s 16)*/ o1.ibid
,recency_key , ROUND(NVL(AVG(o1.nrt_gap_days), 0), 0) AS adbo , ROUND(NVL(AVG(o1.onl_gap_days), 0), 0) AS adbo_o...
When I view these through OEM, it is not receiving the parallel on the table creation(insert) and is, of course, using a huge amount of temp space for the hash/sort processes, so I'm seeing large waits on direct read and writes to my temp tablespace group, along with sequential reads on the partitions in question, (but I find this to be an actual index from the data dictionary causing it to be a sequential read wait, not the actual partition, BTW.)
I've read misleading information view the web on CTAS being a parallel_DML statement, which I didn't think it was and if it is, would require me to enable parallel DML before the create table statement.
QUESTION- Is this just a mistake by some educated folks out there or are CTAS considered a parallel DML statement along with merge, insert, update and delete when using parallel?
Kellyn Pedersen
Multi-Platform DBA
-- on Wed Oct 07 2009 - 17:42:07 CDT