Re: sqlplus
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 11:36:51 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>
Hi Joan,
> I have a shell script report the following output for my daily check
> routine. I found the SQL> SQL> SQL> is very annoying, is it possible to
> get rid off the "lines from coonected to:" to 2 3 4...13" ?
I've needed to include these settings in the shell I'm working on in order to make sure that the login.sql/glogin.sql settings do not interfere with the output format (10.1 on AIX):
set heading off trimout on tab off echo off termout on colsep "" verify off feedback off newpage 0 linesize 80 pagesize 100 showmode off
There may be more! These are only the ones that affected my output. I also needed to use "cut" to trim the output, like this:
my_status=`sqlplus -s / _at_$ADMIN/my.sql|cut -f 10 -d " "`
And, as others have mentioned, use "-s" with "sqlplus" to silence the extra verbage, too.
It seems like all of this is more excessive than I've used in the past, but it works consistently for me.
-- on Tue Oct 06 2009 - 11:36:51 CDT