RE: Quick SQL assistance
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 16:26:38 -0400
Message-ID: <>
You'll need to use the mighty DECODE and MAX to help you out. Something like the following:
select tablespace_name,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate),bytes_allocated))/1048576)as allocated_space,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-6),bytes_allocated-bytes_used))/1048576,1)S0,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-5),bytes_allocated-bytes_used))/1048576,1)S1,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-4),bytes_allocated-bytes_used))/1048576,1)S2,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-3),bytes_allocated-bytes_used))/1048576,1)S3,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-2),bytes_allocated-bytes_used))/1048576,1)S4,
round(max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-1),bytes_allocated-bytes_used))/1048576,1)S5,
round(max(nvl(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate),bytes_allocated-bytes_used),0))/1048576,1)S6,
round((max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-1),nvl(bytes_allocated-bytes_used,0),0))-
max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate),nvl(bytes_allocated-bytes_used,0),0)))*100/
max(decode(trunc(date_of_posting), trunc(sysdate-1),nvl(bytes_allocated-bytes_used,bytes_allocated))),2)*-1 pct_change
OH, don't forget the group by at the end.
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA/NA Team Lead
PAREXEL International
[] On Behalf Of Taylor, Chris David
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 4:09 PM
To: 'Oracle L'
Subject: Quick SQL assistance
Ok, I'm drawing a blank here as my brain seems to hvae taken the afternoon off.
I have a dataset:
------------------- ------------------------ ------------------- ----------------------------- HostA Dev1 9/1/2009 99,999 HostA Dev1 9/2/2009 99,999 HostA Dev1 9/3/2009 99,999
HostA Dev2 9/1/2009 89,999 HostA Dev2 9/2/2009 89,999 HostA Dev2 9/3/2009 89,999
What I need to do is come up with a query that takes the above data and ONLY shows dates of weekly intervals. I need to get the following dataset:
(Weekly Snapshot)
HostA Dev1 9/1/2009 99,999 HostA Dev1 9/8/2009 101,999 HostA Dev2 9/1/2009 89,999 HostA Dev2 9/8/2009 91,999
I think I need to use an analytic function of some sort, but I cannot seem to come up with the syntax.
Anyone have any suggestions/thoughts? (Obviously I could create another date table as a driver table and join the dates to it, but I know there's a simpler way)
Chris Taylor
Sr. Oracle DBA
Ingram Barge Company
Nashville, TN 37205
Office: 615-517-3355
Cell: 615-354-4799
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-- on Mon Sep 14 2009 - 15:26:38 CDT