RE: restore only one tablespace from a cold backup to another database?
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 11:52:25 -0700
Message-ID: <C5671700C5F4EA47B08AB9E6DAE9539B3776ED754A_at_M1EXCHANGE01.mmi.local>
Do you have a guide or a link to how to do this? I have only ever done this with RMAN.
From: Martin Berger []
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 10:49 AM
To: Josh Collier
Subject: Re: restore only one tablespace from a cold backup to another database?
not only one TS,
but SYSTEM, UNDO and the particular TS ( + redos) should be possible to bring your auxiliary DB up (setting all other datafiles offline).
These should be small enough.
Am I missing anything?
I am not convinced this is possible. I have a consistent cold backup, however it is very large and I don't have the space to copy the entire thing to a dev box. Is it possible to restore only one tablespace from this cold backup to an auxiliary database? This is not RMAN. It's a traditional cold backup.
Thanks for your time,
Josh C.
-- on Tue Sep 08 2009 - 13:52:25 CDT