Re: Data vs. Information
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 19:47:07 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Information is that which informs. It could be data, or it might not be. The fact that the button in the upper left corner of my window is red (mac) 'informs' me that this is the button to push in order to close the window. Something that informs me, might not inform you at all. So, in order for something to be information, there must be an observer. Two observers of the same data might both derive different information. Data are symbols which have the 'potential' to inform.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:36 PM, chet justice <> wrote:
> I recently tried to make a case for views<>,
> in the last line of the post I wrote:
> Records in a table typically constitute data. Tables, joined together, in a
>> view, tend to *turn that data into information.*
> A very good friend and mentor who has like 27 masters degrees took umbrage
> with this statement. He said that data is information.
> While I don't necessarily disagree with him, I tried to frame it in the
> context of a database. I've always been told, or read, or heard, that a
> database stores data and from that, you get information (in the form of
> queries, reports, etc).
> Am I off my rocker here? Am I misinformed? Or just misspeak?
> More than anything I think it was more of a theoretical discussion, but I
> have enough respect for this individual to give it further thought?
> Anyone have an opinion or links on the subject?
> chet
> --
> chet justice
-- on Sun Sep 06 2009 - 21:47:07 CDT