Re: share a new 11gR2 feature
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 20:23:47 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Exadata comes to mind... in fact I guess exadata really is just "a bunch of JBOD arrays with resiliency in software". Honestly, IMHO, "enterprise storage" is overpriced these days. Oracle exadata is just proving the point that you can build the same thing yourself for a fraction of the cost on commodity hardware. Of course they overprice exadata too, and probably make a killing on it...
Nuno Souto wrote:
> Matthew Zito wrote,on my timestamp of 5/09/2009 2:05 AM:
>> This would, indeed, be a useful feature if anyone these days actually
>> ran their data on physical disks.
> Er..... Are you sure you mean that? What should they use then? Tapes?
>> With today's world of wide-striping, massive array caches, write
>> re-ordering, and storage virtualization, I doubt it will make much
>> difference.
> Sorry Mathew, but you got to be joking. What's that got to do with
> gigabytes of allocated space that never is used? And what exactly is
> an "array cache" and what has that got to do with persistent, unused
> storage?
> "Virtualized" storage? In what way does that change the fact that
> storage space, in whatever format it may take - virtual or not - is
> being used for absolutely nothing? Last time I looked virtual is not
> a synonym for free: it still has to be paid for. Use it to store
> nothing and you are essentially wasting money. I can show you
> numerous examples, in fact just about any corporation, where such
> activity would be frowned upon.
>> It IS very interesting, though, for the argument that Oracle is gonna
>> continue arguing that you can just buy lots of JBOD arrays and do
>> data resiliency in software, rather than investing in enterprise
>> storage.
> I don't think so. Data resiliency is for data, hence the name. This
> is for absence of data, a totally different proposition.
-- Jeremy Schneider Chicago, IL -- on Fri Sep 04 2009 - 20:23:47 CDT