Re: Best practice for Dataguard in 10g?
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 18:03:01 +1000
Message-ID: <>
Jack van Zanen wrote,on my timestamp of 31/08/2009 1:55 PM:
> we are running quite happily with arch log shipping. Can not comment on
> lgwr shipping as I have not tried that yet.
> but ....
> I don't work with Data Warehouses very much but don't they have a lot on
> non logged operations normally? Dataguard does not like these.
> enabling logging may be a performance hit.
> just some extra thoughts
Thanks Jack. Already on the extra logging (for other reasons) and the system copes quite well, so it is not a concern. Sending all that extra data via network connection is, though. Hence the question. More concerned with best way to proceed than actually if it can be done: I know it can. Just need to decide if I should proceed with LGWR "a-la" 11g or go with ARCH "a-la" 10g.
-- Cheers Nuno Souto in sunny Sydney, Australia -- on Mon Aug 31 2009 - 03:03:01 CDT