Re: Library cache lock - p3 = 1301?
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 11:26:09 -0700
Message-ID: <>
I am sure you may know this info already but while debugging issues with
library cache lock waitevent we would use value of v$session_wait.p1raw
which is the "handle address" and map it to x$kgllk.kgllkhdl and determine
type of the lock (exclusive/shared/null) based on values of kgllkmod (mode
held) and kgllkreq (mode requested).
x$kgllk.kglnaobj would provide information about the object involved in
I have not used value of p3 for debugging issue with library cache lock and wondering in what way that will be useful.
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Dion Cho <> wrote:
> As some of you already know, the 3rd parameter of *library cache lock*wait event is
> *100*mode + namespace*.
> But from time to time(especially with 9i), my customers see *p3=1301*value. Value of 1301 does not make sense, doesn't it?
> Metalink and any other resources do not give any useful info.
> Does anyone have investigated this issue and have good info to share?
> PS) I gave same question onto OTN forum without any response. :(
> ================================
> Dion Cho - Oracle Performance Storyteller
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> ================================
-- on Fri Aug 21 2009 - 13:26:09 CDT