Re: User count at a point in time
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 20:01:19 +0200
Message-ID: <>
AWR and ASH are only about ACTIVE sessions, not all sessions. So these will be of limited use for you. I would suggest a logon-trigger which reports "select sysdate, username, count(*) from v$session group by sysdate, username" into a logging table.
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 19:31, Fuad Arshad<> wrote:
> List
> I'm trying to figure out someone that potientially can be basic
> I know awr and ash contain data about users that were connected I'm trying to find a way to tell at a point in time how many users were connected
> I.e abc had 500 sessions
> Def has 600 sessions
> Basically looking to match the users the caused my process resource limit to exceed .this is more of debugging exercise
> Fuad
> --
-- on Fri Aug 21 2009 - 13:01:19 CDT