RE: killing oracle processes
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 08:35:04 -0500
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In any environment, if someone has access, they can cause potentially more havok just by having access vs. concerns over them killing their own sessions. Include 2 or more billion row tables in a query and don't join them and see what that does to the system and Oracle's temp space. If you consume all of temp space, you effectly have killed ALL other sessions that are using it as well (assuming they needed a bit more after you filled it).
No matter what I tell management, if they insist some users should have access to an environment (assuming here we're talking about anything but dev), I've got to do it. I'll definitely document my concerns and what the risks are, but in the end I've got to do it. Of course I'd make sure that any access of procedures that allow them to kill their own sessions is well audited. I'd also go a step further and make sure I can distinguish developer sessions from all other database and server activity, to be able to show if necessary the impact the developers are having on the system. That can be very handy when SLA thresholds are close or passed. Not that you should then say, "Told you!" but instead to document what happened and why.
Just my 2 cents from the CYA world.
David C. Herring | DBA, Acxiom Database Services
630-944-4762 office | 630-430-5988 cell | 630-944-4989 fax 1501 Opus Pl | Downers Grove, IL, 60515 | U.S.A. |
[] On Behalf Of Michael Schmitt
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:34 AM
To: ''
Subject: killing oracle processes
Hi All,
I had a quick question that I was hoping the list could help me out with. We have a group of developers who are requesting the ability to kill their own processes in the database (PRD/DEV/TST). For example, if a poorly written report gets kicked off, one of their jobs chooses a poor execution plan, or an OWB process gets left out there. The only reason they can really offer is that they do not have to wait for the DBA team to respond. I am trying to think of technical reasons why this would not work.
I can write a script to limit the process to be killed to their stuff, but something about this still makes me feel uneasy. Is there anything that I should worry about?
Any thoughts?
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-- on Wed Aug 19 2009 - 08:35:04 CDT![]()