RE: How to obtain session-specific memory dumps?
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:50:35 -0500
Message-ID: <>
If it helps any, I found in my notes how to dump various memory sections you referenced:
- To dump PGA, SGA, and/or UGA information. ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate TRACE NAME global_area LEVEL <level>';
level 1: pga
2: sga 3: pga+sga 4: uga 5: pga+uga 6: sga+uga 7: pga+sga+uga
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate TRACE NAME heapdump LEVEL <level>';
level 1: PGA
2: SGA 4: UGA 8: CGA - current all
16: CGA - user call
32: large pool
I'm sure I got this from Tanel or some other Oracle guru.
David C. Herring | DBA, Acxiom Database Services
630-944-4762 office | 630-430-5988 cell | 630-944-4989 fax 1501 Opus Pl | Downers Grove, IL, 60515 | U.S.A. |
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Rich Jesse
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:18 AM
To: Oracle L
Subject: Re: How to obtain session-specific memory dumps?
Hi Niall,
> If you can enable trace then they'll be in the 10046. As for dumping
> the uga I *think* there's an event for that, I'll look it up when I
> get back. If not I expect Tanel Poder has something on his site.
The issue at hand is that the identifying SQL would have been run potentially hours in the past, so a 10046 trace wouldn't help.
After an off-list conversation and experimentation, I'm going to be
relegated to using Log Miner. I believe that the data I'm after is just
transient to reliably capture in the UGA, PGA, SGA, or any other TLA.
Thanks much!
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