Re: killing oracle processes
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 14:13:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Also depending on where you work (ie. publicly-traded company in the US) you may have Sarbanes-Oxley on your side in not letting developers do certain things on production.--Scott
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Michael Schmitt <>wrote:
> Hi All,
> I had a quick question that I was hoping the list could help me out with.
> We have a group of developers who are requesting the ability to kill their
> own processes in the database (PRD/DEV/TST). For example, if a poorly
> written report gets kicked off, one of their jobs chooses a poor execution
> plan, or an OWB process gets left out there. The only reason they can
> really offer is that they do not have to wait for the DBA team to respond.
> I am trying to think of technical reasons why this would not work.
> I can write a script to limit the process to be killed to their stuff, but
> something about this still makes me feel uneasy. Is there anything that I
> should worry about?
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks
-- on Mon Aug 17 2009 - 14:13:38 CDT