Re: ** imp using multiple compressed exp dump files
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 10:43:51 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Can you try your command sequence on a small schema export and import? Make sure that works first. I checked my own note: I did not use one single pipe to store multiple, split, partial files as you do, although I think your method should also work. I had bad luck with compress when I did a big export job. Try gzip instead. If you export and import across hosts, Joel Patterson's rsh approach works great. See "Export/import across hosts" in my note.
Yong Huang
- On Fri, 8/7/09, A Joshi <> wrote:
> Yong,
> Thanks. My sh did have a rm -rf comp_pipe
> in the beginning. So I assume that takes care of it. In some
> cases I do notice that in some cases the split_pipe and
> comp_pipe do keep getting a new updated date when I do ls -l
> even after the exp process has finished and there are no
> split or comp processes.
> So are these steps I am doing correct?
> nohup cat xaa xab xac xad > split_pipe &
> nohup uncompress -c split_pipe > i_pipe &
> nohup imp file=i_pipe
> Thanks Joel for your response. I will try rsh next time.
> Thanks
-- on Sun Aug 09 2009 - 12:43:51 CDT