db_cache_size, granules and large amount of physical memory

From: LS Cheng <exriscer_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 11:16:34 +0200
Message-ID: <6e9345580908060216g4e7e9afasb9ecdb3d3e40e373_at_mail.gmail.com>


I am working with several Sun M9000 servers, it looks like that db_cache_size has quite large default values (even set to a low value) when the server has a large amount of physical memory.

For example:

server 1 has 16 quadcore Sparc 960MHz with threading on so it shows 128 CPU, with 512GB physicla memory
server 2 has 4 quadcore Sparc 960MHz with threading on so it shows 32 CPU, with 128GB physicla memory

When db_cache_size is manually set to 64MB in server 1 it actually uses 512MB and server 2 128MB.

Is there anyway to decrease this default limit?



http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-l Received on Thu Aug 06 2009 - 04:16:34 CDT

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