Re: RMAN restore database preview vs actual restore
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 16:14:57 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Brandon -
Pretty much yes to all your questions: we've got No.Restrictions defined on the master server. I used bplist to validate access to the list of backups for the source client, and also to determine the latest autobackup from which I pulled the spfile and control file. I'm pretty sure I did a crosscheck but I'll go back and test.
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Allen, Brandon<> wrote:
> Since you're doing a redirected restore, I'd guess that for some reason Oracle isn't really able to access the backups. Did you complete the steps required in Netbackup to enable redirected restores (aka alternate node/host/client restores)? Can you see the backups from the command line with bplist/bpclimagelist? If you run a crosscheck on them, do they still show as available?
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-- on Wed Aug 05 2009 - 15:14:57 CDT