RE: changing init.ora and spfile
From: Vordos, Suzy <>
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 13:07:09 -0600
Message-ID: <F9BAF589B638564EBCF9495B0CE1C89804D260E3AA_at_qtdenexmbm24.AD.QINTRA.COM>
If in your PFILE, the comments are placed to the right of the parameter, when you convert to SPFILE they are retained in v$parameter.update_comments. Example:
From: [] On Behalf Of Jason Heinrich Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 3:39 PM
To:; Cc: Oracle List
Subject: Re: changing init.ora and spfile
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 13:07:09 -0600
Message-ID: <F9BAF589B638564EBCF9495B0CE1C89804D260E3AA_at_qtdenexmbm24.AD.QINTRA.COM>
If in your PFILE, the comments are placed to the right of the parameter, when you convert to SPFILE they are retained in v$parameter.update_comments. Example:
*.db_block_checking='true' # Default=false Required for NFS
*.db_block_checksum='true' # Default=true Required for NFS
From: [] On Behalf Of Jason Heinrich Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 3:39 PM
To:; Cc: Oracle List
Subject: Re: changing init.ora and spfile
Cool, I learned something new today. I'd also wished for a feature like that, and behold, it already existed! Now if that column could somehow be populated by the "create spfile from pfile" command, the feature would be complete. I suppose that would be difficult though, due to varying commenting conventions.
Here it is in the docs for 10g:
-- Jason Heinrich On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Bradd Piontek <<>> wrote: Mark, In 10g and 11g (pretty sure in 9i), you can do just that. The comments are stored in the UPDATE_COMMENT field in V$SPPARAMETER When the pfile is dumped out, the comments show up at the end of the line Bradd Piontek "Next to doing a good job yourself, the greatest joy is in having someone else do a first-class job under your direction." -- William Feather On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Bobak, Mark <<>> wrote: would be a nice enhancement to be able to do something like: alter system set db_cache_size = 4G scope=both comment='Updated by M.Bobak as per Change Control Request #78512'; And have that comment recorded somewhere in the data dictionary, and automatically dumped when you did a 'create pfile from spfile;'. do I file an enhancement request? -Mark -- on Mon Aug 03 2009 - 14:07:09 CDT