RE: rac vs dataguard
From: D'Hooge Freek <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:40:07 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Rac is only available on standard edition with a special use licensing (which limits for instance the number of cpu's available in the cluster)
From: [] On Behalf Of Joerg Jost Sent: vrijdag 17 juli 2009 10:28
To: oracle-l-freelists
Subject: Re: rac vs dataguard
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:40:07 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Rac is only available on standard edition with a special use licensing (which limits for instance the number of cpu's available in the cluster)
Freek D'Hooge
Oracle Database Administrator
tel +32(0)3 451 23 82
From: [] On Behalf Of Joerg Jost Sent: vrijdag 17 juli 2009 10:28
To: oracle-l-freelists
Subject: Re: rac vs dataguard
Hi list,
Just on think to consider is the licence.
RAC is in Oracle Standard
Dataguard is in Enterprise
Active Dataguard in 11g is an option only available to the Enterprise Edition
This circumstance is a big factor for our Company because our customers whish to use the Dataguard feature, but especially on new Intel based Servers the difference to the Standard Edition is so huge. Often the RAC is the option choosen by the customers after comparing the to offers one with Standard and one with Dataguard.
Jörg Jost
-- on Fri Jul 17 2009 - 04:40:07 CDT