Multiple SQL version count with cusror_sharing=similar
From: Neeraj Bhatia <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:34:21 +0530
Message-ID: <>
version (only one child cursor).
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system set cursor_sharing='EXACT'; System altered.
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:34:21 +0530
Message-ID: <>
I have some doubts regarding cursor sharing and bind value peeking. What i observed is multiple child cursors are created in case of cursor_sharing setting SIMILAR and FORCE.
Here is test case:
- cursor_sharing = SIMILAR -----------------------------
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter session set optimizer_features_enable='';
Session altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> show parameter cursor_sharing
------------------------------------ --------------------------------
cursor_sharing string SIMILAR scott_at_ORADB11G> exec dbms_stats.delete_table_stats(user,'EMP'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 10; scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 20; scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 30; scott_at_ORADB11G> SELECT sql_text,version_count,address FROM V$SQLAREA WHERE sql_text like 'select /* TEST */%'; SQL_TEXT VERSION_COUNT ADDRESS
- --------
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
:"SYS_B_0" 3 27FB2418
scott_at_ORADB11G> SELECT * FROM V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR WHERE address = '27FB2418'; SQL_ID ADDRESS CHILD_AD CHILD_NUMBER U S O O S L F E B P I S T A B D L T R I I R L I O E M U T N F A I T D L D B P C S C P T M B M R O P M F L P L A F L R L - -------- -------- ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - df11x4zffkctp 27FB2418 2F5E199C 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N df11x4zffkctp 27FB2418 2F5AA1AC 1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N df11x4zffkctp 27FB2418 27F6F188 2 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
- --------
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
scott_at_ORADB11G> select sql_text, open_versions, parse_calls, hash_value,
address, plan_hash_value, child_address from v$sql
2 where sql_text like 'select /* TEST */%';
- ----------- ---------- -------- --------------- --------
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
:"SYS_B_0" 0 1 3706270517 27FB2418
3956160932 2F5E199C select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
:"SYS_B_0" 0 1 3706270517 27FB2418
3956160932 2F5AA1AC select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
:"SYS_B_0" 0 1 3706270517 27FB2418
3956160932 27F6F188 Observations: 1) Why Oracle has created multiple versions for same SQL. V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR is giving no clue why child cursors are created. 2) What i have learnt is, in case of cursor_sharing='SIMILAR', Oracle check whether execution plan change significantly (especially in case of histograms), and if yes, create a new child cursor. 3) Here, i have delete CBO statistics on the table and explain plans are same for all child cursors (same plan_hash_value), still multiple versions are created. Let's check the behavior of bind value peeking. scott_at_ORADB11G> alter session set "_optim_peek_user_binds"=false; Session altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 10; scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 20; scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 30; scott_at_ORADB11G> SELECT sql_text,version_count,address FROM V$SQLAREA WHEREsql_text like 'select /* TEST */%';
- --------
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
10 1 29842900
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
30 1 27F8A8BC
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
20 1 27F57DFC
Observations: 1) Why three parent cursors are created, with disabling bind
value peeking?
- cursor_sharing = FORCE -----------------------------
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system set cursor_sharing='FORCE';
System altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system flush shared_pool;
System altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 10;
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 20;
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 30;
scott_at_ORADB11G> SELECT sql_text,version_count,address FROM V$SQLAREA WHERE
sql_text like 'select /* TEST */%';
- cursor_sharing = FORCE -----------------------------
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system set cursor_sharing='FORCE';
System altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system flush shared_pool;
System altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 10;
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 20;
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 30;
scott_at_ORADB11G> SELECT sql_text,version_count,address FROM V$SQLAREA WHERE
sql_text like 'select /* TEST */%';
- --------
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
10 1 29842900
select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno=
:"SYS_B_0" 1 27FACC08
version (only one child cursor).
-------------- cursor_sharing = EXACT -----------------------------scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> alter system set cursor_sharing='EXACT'; System altered.
scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 10; scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 20; scott_at_ORADB11G> select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 30; scott_at_ORADB11G> SELECT sql_text,version_count,address FROM V$SQLAREA WHEREsql_text like 'select /* TEST */%';
- -------- select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 10 1 29842900 select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 30 1 27F8A8BC select /* TEST */ * from emp where deptno= 20 1 27F57DFC Observations: 1) As expected there are three parent cursors created. No issues.
Please give reference to some good documents related to the subject.
Neeraj Bhatia
-- on Tue Jun 30 2009 - 05:04:21 CDT