RE: Oracle8i to 10g upgrade using exp and imp
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 14:28:33 -0700
Message-ID: <64BAF54438380142A0BF94A23224A31E1128C5476D_at_ONEWS06.oneneck.corp>
In regards to the barrage of errors with a full exp/imp, I just use grep to quickly filter out all the errors I don't care about and check for anything important, so that's not really a problem as long as you're familiar with grep or similar filtering commands.
Yes, you can speed things up by breaking up the exp/imp into multiple concurrent streams, so that's definitely a consideration if you're under tight time constraints, but then again if that's an issue, you may need to use dbua instead or some other method to minimize downtime.
I've never had any problems with "version specific junk" getting imported, so without more detail I wouldn't worry too much about that.
There's no "right" answer here - as usual, it depends. I think it all just comes down to testing to find out what works best for you in your specific situation, but I definitely would not rule out full=y without consideration. I've used it for 20+ upgrades with no problems, and it's even supported by Oracle.
From: [] On Behalf Of Randy Johnson
I've done several upgrades using export/import and I wouldn't recommend doing a full database export . . .
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-- on Thu Jun 25 2009 - 16:28:33 CDT