Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 22:25:22 +0200
Message-ID: <009101c9ef89$bdc08a80$39419f80$_at_net>
Hello Listers,
I am trying to write a script that should give me the same information as V$active_session_history (data should be grouped only on the wait classes), but in absolute values (in milliseconds/seconds, not just counters as in V$active_session_history).
I intent to take samples of v$sys_time_model to get 'DB Time' and 'CPU
Time' and then
Calculate the delta values. I want to take samples of V$system_Wait_Class
too in order
To find where 'DB Time' (in which wait_class) is spend on.
My problem is that the sum of V$system_Wait_Class.time_waited is nowhere
near to
the value 'DB Time' - 'DB CPU', which I have got from v$sys_time_model.
I believe V$system_Wait_Class.time_waited is in microseconds (Oracle
documentation is pretty unclear about this)
Sample output of the script below:
ALL 24680
DB CPU 1396689
DB time 6916260
The system is I/O bound. I was expecting ACTIVE =~ DB time - DB CPU , but they differ by orders of magnitude...
Can someone sched some light on this topic ?
Many thanks in advance.
The rudimentary script that I am using is:
c.name ,
c.value - lag (c.VALUE, 1, 0) over ( partition by c.name order by c.ID asc ) as TIME_WAITED_MICRO_DELTA, lag (c.VALUE, 1, 0) over ( partition by c.name order by c.ID asc ) as flagfrom
select 1 as id, a.*
from ( select 'ALL' as name, sum(time_waited) as value from V$system_Wait_Class where 1=1 --- WAIT_CLASS <>'Idle' union all select 'ACTIVE' as name , sum(time_waited) as value from V$system_Wait_Class where WAIT_CLASS <>'Idle' union all select STAT_NAME as name, round(VALUE,0) as value from V$sys_Time_Model where stat_name ='DB CPU' union all select STAT_NAME as name, round(VALUE,0) as value from V$sys_Time_Model where stat_name ='DB time' )a union all select -1 as id , 'XX' as name, f_numeric_wait(5) as value from dual where rownum > 0 union all select 2 as id, b.* from ( select 'ALL' as name , sum(time_waited) as value from V$system_Wait_Class where 1=1 --- WAIT_CLASS <>'Idle' union all select 'ACTIVE' as name , sum(time_waited) as value from V$system_Wait_Class where WAIT_CLASS <>'Idle' union all select STAT_NAME as name, round(VALUE,0) as value from V$sys_Time_Model where stat_name ='DB CPU' union all select STAT_NAME as name, round(VALUE,0) as value from V$sys_Time_Model where stat_name ='DB time' )b
) c
where c.id > -1
)d where d.flag !=0
I have borrowed the f_numeric_wait function from Jonathan Lewis site
create or replace function f_numeric_wait
p_seconds in number, p_value in number default 0
) return number
dbms_lock.sleep(SECONDS => p_seconds); return p_value;
end f_numeric_wait;
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Wed Jun 17 2009 - 15:25:22 CDT