Re: UTL_FILE and default file permissions.....
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 19:48:37 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Maxims solution will fit your request totally.
Another method (which does not answer your question, but maybe will please
your needs) is
1) create a dedicated unix-group
2) add the 'application' and oracle-user to this group (not as primary
3) make this group the directories group 4) chmod g+rw und +s on this directory 5) bounce the instance
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 18:57, Bobak, Mark <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> On my RAC system, I’m running into a problem with default file
> permissions for files created via UTL_FILE.
> The problem is that the user’s server process inherits the default umask of
> the listener that spawns the server process. The listener (I assume)
> inherits the umask from the clusterware that starts the listener on node
> startup. Finally, the clusterware starts from /etc/init.d and inherits the
> default umask from (I assume) the init daemon. If I, as the Oracle user,
> logged in to a particular node, bounce the listener explicitly, the problem
> goes away, cause I have default umask of 022, which is what I want. (Files
> that default to rw-r—r--). But, listeners that are started by clusterware,
> either at boot, or explicitly via srvctl, inherit a different umask value.
> The question is, where can I set that umask value?
> Help? I can’t be the first one to have run into this…?
> -Mark
-- on Thu Jun 11 2009 - 12:48:37 CDT