RE: RAC Remove Resource
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 09:50:17 -0500
Message-ID: <004801c9e848$70b74c80$5225e580$_at_net>
The following command should have removed the service. Are you sure you were logged in as root when you ran the command?
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crs_unregister ora.testdb.testdb1.inst
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crsstat |grep testdb ora.testdb.testdb1.inst OFFLINE OFFLINE
From: []
On Behalf Of Sanjay Mishra
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: RAC Remove Resource
I am in situation where I had to remove the Database Resource like Service/Instance/Database and has to recreate them. I am able to remove the Service/Instance/Database but when checking it is still showing one of the Instance resource and hence cluster output shows that cluster is unhealthy
When I remove them, there was no error but one was still not removed
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crsstat |grep testdb ora.testdb.testdb1.inst OFFLINE OFFLINE
oracle_at_testdbp4:> srvctl remove instance -d testdb -i testdb1 -f PRKO-2007 : Invalid instance name: testdb1
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crs_unregister ora.testdb.testdb1.inst
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crsstat |grep testdb ora.testdb.testdb1.inst OFFLINE OFFLINE
oracle_at_testdbp4:> srvctl add database -d testdb -o /oracle/product/
oracle_at_testdbp4:> srvctl add instance -d testdb -i testdb1 -n testdbp4
PRKR-1008 : adding of instance testdb1 on node testdbp4 to cluster database
testdb failed.
CRS-0211: Resource 'ora.testdb.testdb1.inst' has already been registered.
PRKO-2010 : Error in adding instance to node: testdbp4
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crsstat |grep testdb
ora.testdb.db OFFLINE OFFLINE
ora.testdb.testdb1.inst OFFLINE OFFLINE
oracle_at_testdbp4:> srvctl add instance -d testdb -i testdb2 -n testdbp5
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crsstat |grep testdb
ora.testdb.db OFFLINE OFFLINE ora.testdb.testdb1.inst OFFLINE OFFLINE ora.testdb.testdb2.inst OFFLINE OFFLINE
So I had created new Resource for testdb database even testdb1 was there already and then even I can add other instance but not the testdb1
oracle_at_testdbp4:> crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS does not appear to be healthy
EVM appears healthy
Any suggestion to remove it
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-- on Mon Jun 08 2009 - 09:50:17 CDT