RE: app is slow
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 10:10:35 +0100
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I sometimes tend to find 3rd party app sessions tricky to jump on when when they get into a DB so I tend to set up temporary "trigger traces" ( firing DBMS_MONITOR/SESSION from a system trigger ) to capture the raw trace data. Spend a little time with one of Mr Kyte's books, I think Google online books has some of them available, learn how to interpret raw trace files. Raw traces can take a little time to learn all the little flags but I find reading raw traces very enjoyable if a little time consuming ( I have a wife and kids, I have no time to get a life! ), you really get to learn the nitty gritty of what XYZ is actually doing.
[] On Behalf Of Bobak, Mark
Sent: 03 June 2009 18:07
Subject: RE: app is slow
Hi Brian,
The best way to determine where a process is spending it's time is to profile it. Oracle allows that to be done, by using the DBMS_MONITOR package. Look at the SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE call.
That will allow you to collect raw trace data. Then, you can use something like the Hotsos Profiler to understand exactly where the time is going. There are also some free Oracle profiling tools floating around.....
Once you understand exactly where the most time is being spent, you'll know where to focus your tuning efforts.
[] On Behalf Of Zelli, Brian
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: app is slow
How many times have we heard that? Well I have a user/group, that when they do this one process it seems to be slow. This is a third party app. My question is how can I monitor what this is doing to see where it is "slow"? I checked stats on the table and they are current. There is only one index currently and they said they need more. They input about 50 -200 records a day on this table and the row size is about 7000 characters with about 14,000 records in the table. They have a notes column of 2000 and a customer contact column of 4000. Are those a bit extreme?
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-- on Thu Jun 04 2009 - 04:10:35 CDT