DG4ODBC Vs transparent gateways
From: Ravi Madabhushanam <ravi.madabhushanam_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 15:46:43 +0530
Message-ID: <f2f282d10906030316x26ea03c2xa9e0b8586e2ed818_at_mail.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 15:46:43 +0530
Message-ID: <f2f282d10906030316x26ea03c2xa9e0b8586e2ed818_at_mail.gmail.com>
We are in the process of setting up communication betweeen Oracle on Linux(64bit) to SQL server on Windows 2k(32bit). After a bit of searching i found that i can use either of the above mentioned technologies. But i didn't find good amount of information on DG4ODBC. We need to decide on which one to use? DG4ODBC will be the obvious choice as it is FREE. But, what are the extra features/advantages that i'll be getting by using Transparent Gateways? in other words, what are the limitations of DG4ODBC.
Can some one please guide me to some links/documantations regarding this information.
Thanks a lot.
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Wed Jun 03 2009 - 05:16:43 CDT