RE: When control files go bad

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 14:19:17 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

> Rich,
>>From your log file, it looks like it attempted to write to ctl #1 and 2,
> failed to do so and then simply shut itself down (CKPT: terminating
> instance).
> So your database was "ok" in that your control files don't seem to have
> been corrupted.
> I'm sure your restart log file showed recovery occurring.
> Oracle is getting smarter and smarter!
> Tom

That's another point -- I *know* I've tested the result of controlfiles going away on a live instance and while Oracle complained, it kept going. I'll need to revisit that apparently.

I love this! I get to (re)learn more without the pain of having lost anything. Lots of stuff to take away from this li'l experience.

Thanks, Tom!

Received on Mon Jun 01 2009 - 14:19:17 CDT

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