RE: update a 200 - 300 row table
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 13:53:05 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I'd go with APEX, that way you retain complete control over the app, both security and functionality. User wants a new feature, you can do it without having to worry about any missing modules or dependencies. Unless you're going to find some way to obfuscate your Perl app, you have to trust the user not break your scripts if they are remotely installed on a PC. We're moving from Forms to APEX for some of our analyst's data maintenance forms. I can't wait until the devs have finished building the new APEX apps, upgrades, revisions, etc, will be a doddle compared to having to push out compiled Forms to all our sites!
[] On Behalf Of Mathias Magnusson
Sent: 01 June 2009 06:44
Cc: Maxim Demenko; Oracle Discussion List;;
Subject: Re: update a 200 - 300 row table
You would instal APEX in the same database as where the table is. Then build an application in it that references the table in the schema it is currently located in.
If this is an option, then it may well be the best option in user interface, security, and sped to set it up.
Perl-Tk isn't too hard. Setting up the graphical objects can be tricky,
and understanding the model and how all things should be linked together
may feel a little odd in the beginning. Once you wrap your head around
the Tk model and way of developing, the rest are just different objects
(as in things to have on the screen, not oop) you can use.
But building in APEX would probably be nicer, and you would not have to fiddle with Perl, DBI, DBD:Oracle and get new versions of DBD built when you upgrade the DB.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Tony Adolph <> wrote:
I didn't mention that the 200-300 row table is referenced
(and/or part of) an existing application (Avantis).
I thought about APEX, but wouldn't installing it result in creating a new database with a new home.
I have a played with APEX and found it easy to create a form that would do the job, but creating a whole new database and instance just for one table update is a little OTT isn't it?
Or is there a way to use the APEX development interface for an existing database?
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