Re: OT - Getting fired for database oops
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 15:26:39 +0300
Message-ID: <>
>Yechiel Adar <>
>It was after a power failure, on startup, the database wrote that he was
in the middle of a write I/O and I have to restore from backup and do recover.
Once upon a time my Windows Oracle DB used to stop with windows NT error
"code 5(?) access denied blabla "
We failed over to the standby. All fine but all we had to do was to restart
the box. Actually we should have tried this first and the failover next.
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Yechiel Adar <> To Sent by: oracle-l-bounce_at_f cc Subject Re: OT - Getting fired for database 2009.05.20 08:44 oops Please respond to .il
I was very happy when then put separate logoff button in Windows 2003. I usually do select host_name from v$instance and select name from v$database before any important (destructive) action to be on the safe side.
I destroyed the bank database about 20 years ago.
It was after a power failure, on startup, the database wrote that he was
in the middle of a write I/O and I have to restore from backup and do
To make a long story short, there was a bug in the recovery process and
24 hours later we had the database up from the last backup and started
to run last night load all over again.
Later it turned out that the database message was a bug and it should
not appear.
We had a meeting with the database representative where I asked only one
What would you do if you were in my place?
He said: What you did.
After that I shut up and let the managers and representatives shout it our.
Adar Yechiel
Rechovot, Israel
Rich Jesse wrote:
> I usually get a few odd looks/smiles when someone's standing over my
> shoulder as I'm logging out of an RDP session connected to any Winders
> server. Said out loud:
> "I'm on the [correct] server."
> "I'm on the [correct] server."
> "I'm on the [correct] server."
> "I'm on the [correct] server."
> "I'm on the [correct] server."
> "I'm logging off -- NOT shutting down."
> "I'm logging off -- NOT shutting down."
> "I'm logging off -- NOT shutting down."
> "I'm logging off -- NOT shutting down."
> "I'm logging off -- NOT shutting down."
> Depending on how much caffeine I've had, the day I've had, or how
> distracting the situation is, I may also mix up the above and/or add some
> more reps.
> Only THEN do I click OK. It's a whole lot easier than fixing the
problems. :)
> Rich
> --
-- -- on Wed May 20 2009 - 07:26:39 CDT