- Antwort: OT: looking for a GUI version of tail for windows
- how to check which privilege grant to "public"???
- Is there any way to create a database link with sysdba privs?
- ORA-600 (KGHALO2)
- Oracle 10g hangs intermittently waiting for I/O
- OT - Getting fired for database oops
- OT: looking for a GUI version of tail for windows
- PLS-00453
- query needed
- RAC dataguard - what happens when recovering instance goes down ?
- Remover CRS
- Removing downloaded Oracle software
- SAN Copy across remote location for DR setup
- semi-ot laptop that will run oracle, plus work
- User List for Certain Privs
- Last message date: Mon May 18 2009 - 23:34:09 CDT
- Archived on: Sun May 31 2009 - 21:10:02 CDT