In-house training
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 17:30:01 -0400
Message-ID: <46732D8B0755664E87B4276E3C2FF60593BDF6A066_at_EXM-OMF-06.Ceg.Corp.Net>
In this age of budget cuts one of the first casualties is training. So in order to avoid re-writing coding horrors and re-engineering database disasters, I'm going to be pro-active and provide some training to lessen the severity of these issues.
I want to do a few hours in:
Some introductory SQL
Some introductory PL/SQL
Some introductory DDL(Design)
If you have slides you've developed for your own use and are willing to share or know of a site that has something that will reduce the tedium of creating elementary slides, please share!
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-- on Mon May 11 2009 - 16:30:01 CDT