Authentication with ActiveDirectory and SSO

From: Tieland, RC (Ruben) <"Tieland,>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 11:32:04 +0200
Message-ID: <E08D2D6221CB3E43B17F9E8A10E9F491B06A6C_at_EXB002.rocmn.lan>

Hi Listers,

I want to authenticate my database user with their Active Directory account and then make use of single-sign-on for a oracle forms application.
My question to you guy's is how can I accomplish this (if possible)? , do I need to buy something from oracle or just configure it. What is the recommended way?

My configuration consist of:
- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
running on SUSE Linux Enterprise 10
- Active Directory of Windows 2003 Enterprise server

  • Oracle forms 6 running on Windows 2003 Terminal server or Windows XP Professional


Received on Wed May 06 2009 - 04:32:04 CDT

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