RE: RMAN duplicate database

From: Robertson Lee - lerobe <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:21:18 +0100
Message-ID: <>

As Jared pointed out to me, I should have posted what the problem turned out to be instead of just saying that I realised what was wrong - oops !!!  

Anyway, the example in my first post below was a poor one anyway.  

my original filename was more of the form  


I wanted it to end up like  


So basically my init.ora parameter should have been as follows.  


Cheers and apologies Jared :-)  

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Robertson Lee - lerobe <> wrote:

        OK, ignore that last email          

        Just realised what I should have done. Doofus :-(          

[] On Behalf Of Robertson Lee - lerobe

	Sent: 23 April 2009 12:02
	Subject: RMAN duplicate database
	AIX 6
	I ran a duplicate database yesterday from an RMAN tape backup.
This was to basically copy a backed up database to a new one on the same box. Although I specified the new file name for logs and data files in the new init.ora file, and they were placed in the correct directories, I was wondering if there was an automated method for changing the actual filenames as well.          


        Original filename was          


        Once restored into duplicate database it became          


        Is it possible to ensure automatically that the file name itself changes from DB1 to DB2 as well ?          

        Apologies if this is easy but I have looked at the manuals etc and cannot see anything ?          




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Received on Mon Apr 27 2009 - 09:21:18 CDT

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