RE: Stepping through the SQL Execution plan [was: WTB: Oracle Visual SQL Debugger]
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:56:09 +0800
Message-ID: <E713BD6BDA1642B399EF6083D066BBBA_at_porgand>
As there seems to be some interest in this topic I wrote a little note about using DTrace for tracing SQL execution plan flow: -dtrace/
It's important to undestand how exactly SQL is executed for troubleshooting cases where optimizer just doesn't get it right. The rows aren't magically produced somehow, plan execution is just a loop, it's a very procedural and structurized approach and we need to get the loop order right.
I demo this stuff at my seminar too...
Tanel Poder
From: []
On Behalf Of Charles Schultz
Sent: 24 April 2009 05:21
To: Wolfgang Breitling; Bobak, Mark
Cc: Oracle-L Freelists
Subject: Re: Stepping through the SQL Execution plan [was: WTB: Oracle
Visual SQL Debugger]
Hmm.... two responses with exactly the same link... I am getting a message here. =)
Thanks Wolfgang and Mark. Yes, Tanel's paper is awesome! Now I want to go sit in on his Advanced Troubleshooting seminars. *grin*
Ok, I'll settle back and start reading some more. This is good stuff.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 16:16, Wolfgang Breitling <> wrote:
How about Tanel (Poder)'s os_explain: part-6-understanding-oracle-execution-plans-with-os_explain/
At 02:54 PM 4/23/2009, Charles Schultz wrote:
Received on Fri Apr 24 2009 - 05:56:09 CDT