V$SESSION - SQL_ADDRESS for background processes
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 16:20:18 +0100
Message-ID: <3CF9EBFD312E1646A8597D4771733527034EFA52_at_UKCWRX003.uk.int.atosorigin.com>
I'm doing a query to join V$SESSION with V$SQLAREA to get the current SQL for each running session. Nothing fancy, it's just a quick view to help diagnose an issue. But I see some odd results, with background processes (specifically, ARC2) running what looks like user SQL (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ * FROM user_table_1, user_table_2). I'm tempted to discount these, on the assumption that background processes wouldn't be running user SQL, so presumably SQL_ADDRESS and SQL_HASH_VALUE are meaningless for such processes, but is that a fair assumption? And if not, then why is that SQL present?
It's also interesting to note that EXECUTIONS in V$SQLAREA for that statement is 0. Presumably that implies that even though the statement was parsed, it has never been executed? What does that mean?
Paul Moore
Oracle DBA Support
Atos Origin UK Ltd
Daresbury Court
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