Re: DBA Skill tree
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 10:20:54 -0400
Message-ID: <>
I 100% agree....There are aspects of the dba job that are as state as they could get and no amount of gloss/pretty GUI would make it appear better.
The worrying part is that, of late, even the oracle manuals have become more GUI oriented and the under-the-hood mysteries can at times baffle even the experienced DBAs.
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Nuno Souto <> wrote:
>> I think that a long time DBA that has become stale is the worst DBA.
> There is a fundamental difference between a stale dba and
> the job being stale by itself. This might come as a surprise
> to those used to the clickety-click of OEM but dbas actually
> do not need graphics to work out how to manage disk space
> in a database. The subject has been part and parcel of dba
> work for more than three decades, long before even Oracle itself
> existed. In that sense the job is itself stale. Of course,
> we may flash it up with spiffy graphics to make it look new,
> but it's still fundamentally the same thing.
> Cheers
> Nuno Souto
-- on Mon Apr 06 2009 - 09:20:54 CDT