RE: survey - DBA structure in your company ?
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 14:42:09 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Currently we use the number 2 method and that's exactly what it is....number 2.
If I cover for somebody, all they give me is the login and password of some of the necessary userids (system, oracle, root, etc...) and I'm on my own. I'm trying to change the culture around here to think I bit differently but it gets to become turf wars if you ask for too much information. I've only been in this company for a few years and change is a slow process.......we're a state entity.
I like the full responsibility and to not be considered just an "apps dba" or "prod/operations dba" but we buy a lot of canned apps. We are a research hospital so the products are all best of breed standalones and they all have their own nuances that you have to accommodate and that can sometimes be very time consuming to understand everything and then try and knowledge transfer it.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:51 PM, <> wrote:
> We are a reasonably large corporation, with 650 Oracle databases. We
> are having a bit of internal discussion going on concerning different
> support models:
> (1) Having separation of duties for DBAs: one DBA area in responsible
> for infrastructure across all databases and another group doing
> application DBA work across multiple application databases, closer to
> the applications and their data or
> (2) Doing DBA work in silos: one DBA would be responsible for a
> certain set of applications and databases end-to-end, responsible for
> all infrastructure and application data work for that set of
> applications
> We currently have a structure like this:
> We have systems DBAs that are responsible for the database
> infrastructure - installing the server software & patching, tuning at
> the instance level, monitoring db server capacity, backup & recovery,
> adding sizing datafiles, disaster recovery, database creation, user &
> security administration, 24x7 level 3 support.
> We have application DBAs that are closer to the application data, and
> are responsible for creating and maintaining the application schema
> objects (tables, indexes, etc), some SQL statement tuning, logical
> backups (exp/imp) of application objects, data loads, 24x7 level 2 support.
> I am curious what other folks are doing.
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