database monitoring tools - what is your short list of requirements?
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 14:02:34 -0700
Message-ID: <>
The long running thread on monitoring tools has piqued my curiosity.
What would you say are the essentials for database monitoring?
Here's a list of things I consider important and track closely. These are just *monitor* items. There are several other automated jobs that run against databases, but cannot really be considered as a *monitor* type job.
- Space available on archive log volumes - kick off a backup if % too low and delete logs
- Is database up? - window during which paging occurs varies by database
- Alert log - monitor for ORA-, TNS and 'crash'
- There are monitors to check the database monitors and restart them if necessary. (The biggest problem is on Windows where a service may not start at startup)
- dba_jobs - are any jobs stuck?
- dba_jobs - are any jobs broken?
- rman - check catalog to see if backups are restorable up to yesterday
- rman - do a validate on 2 random databases ( once a month )
- security - monitor for accounts with default password
- security - monitor for accounts that should be locked
- security - monitor for expiring passwords
- storage - are any segments in danger of running out of space?
- performance - gather response time metrics ( db perspective)
Your list is likely highly dependent on the environment: Size of IT shop, number of DBA's, size of company, etc.
If you respond to this thread, please include a little environment information if you can.
Here's ours: we are a small to medium size business, about 30 people in IT altogether, with a single Oracle DBA.
There are about 30 Oracle databases, and about a third of those are for production use by end users, with a fair amount of applications:
SAP, Oracle Apps, Agile PLM are the critical ones, along with a host of smaller apps.
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
-- on Tue Mar 31 2009 - 16:02:34 CDT