Re: views on views on views
From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 07:54:01 +0000
Message-ID: <>
My word, you go to sleep and all is well with the world, you wake up and the religious wars have started again! I think tim has it about right with regard to database independence, it hugely benefits the vendor, and often is good enough to satisfy the customer, at least if more hardware is bought. This is no bad thing. Where it becomes a bad thing is when you start having more than the one application or applet accessing the data, this usually starts happening about 18 months into the life of the app, often at the same time the app gets an upgrade, thats when you start discovering that the business logic rarely applies to the application, but to the data. It's the order that needs those 5 mandatory fields not the order entry screen. Putting all the logic in one app then puts the vendor in a hugely powerful position - any one who has extended oracle apps for example will understand this well.
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 07:54:01 +0000
Message-ID: <>
My word, you go to sleep and all is well with the world, you wake up and the religious wars have started again! I think tim has it about right with regard to database independence, it hugely benefits the vendor, and often is good enough to satisfy the customer, at least if more hardware is bought. This is no bad thing. Where it becomes a bad thing is when you start having more than the one application or applet accessing the data, this usually starts happening about 18 months into the life of the app, often at the same time the app gets an upgrade, thats when you start discovering that the business logic rarely applies to the application, but to the data. It's the order that needs those 5 mandatory fields not the order entry screen. Putting all the logic in one app then puts the vendor in a hugely powerful position - any one who has extended oracle apps for example will understand this well.
On 3/27/09, Greg Rahn <> wrote:
> database independent/agnostic == slow everywhere, right?
> --
> Regards,
> Greg Rahn
> --
-- Sent from Google Mail for mobile | Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Fri Mar 27 2009 - 02:54:01 CDT