Re: ORA-12154 and standby - SOLVED
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 11:10:05 -0500
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Hello all:
It looks like the issue was that my primary database was using a different tnsnames.ora file (located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin) to connect to the standby. I however only added the standby datbases to the $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file. After I have added them to the other tnsnames.ora file everything fell into place.
Thank you again to all who replied to my posts here
thank you
Gene Gurevich
<genegurevich_at_dis> Sent by: To oracle-l-bounce_at_f cc Subject 03/18/2009 11:03 ORA-12154 and standby AM Please respond to genegurevich_at_disc
I have set up a standby database under oracle and everything looked great except for a minor detail - the archived logfiles do not get copied to the standby server. When I look at the v$archive_dest view I see
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
03-18-2009 10:47:32 pcrp01d
for dest_ID which correspond to my standby.
I have checked the tnsnames.ora on the primary side and it looks OK.
tnsping finds the standby; I can
ping the host. I have tried bouncing the listener on the standby side;
bouncind the standby DB itself
as well as primary db, but this error keep reapearring after 5 min pause.
If tnsnames.ora is OK, what
else could be the issue?
thank you
Gene Gurevich
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